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Naval Officers' Spouses' Club of Washington, D.C., is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that awards scholarships and charitable grants to deserving military families and service based organizations.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated and will go a long way in helping us support the military community. Direct any questions to

You can make a monetary donation below.

If you would like to donate merchandise or services for one of our annual events please contact us at

Thank you!

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*First name
*Last name
Primary Phone
e.g. xxx-xxx-xxxx
*Current City
Current State
e.g. VA (please use the two letter all capitalization abbreviation for the state)
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency

Naval Officers Spouses Club Washington, D.C.  |  NOSCDC  |  PO Box 1087 Fort Myer, VA 22211
Naval Officers Spouses Club Washington, D.C. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.